Executive Power has researched solution providers for the past 15 years and created relationships with those providers that provide the greatest value to our clients. With each of these partner providers, we have attained full certification and bring years of expertise to you as our clients.
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Gazelles International Coaches |
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Gazelles International is a premiere coaching association comprised of over 150 independent, professional business coaches from around the globe, who assist growth companies with the development and execution of the Gazelles Growth Tools – based on the best selling business book “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits” by Gazelles founder Verne Harnish.Gazelles International Coaches are many of the most experienced, most effective executive coaches in the world. Jerry Fons of Executive Power is a Certified Gazelles International Coach and helps his clients not just plan, but actually execute on those plans in a rhythmic and proactive manner.
What is the One Page Strategic Plan?
More information about Gazelles International Coaches |
Innermetrix |
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Organizations everywhere are looking for better ways to answer the question, and properly discover “What Really Drives Performance” in a modern business? During these challenging business times, this is a critical question to answer. The Innermetrix ADVanced Insights suite of assessments does just that. The ADVanced Insights tools supplied by Innermetrix use the worlds most leading edge technologies to measure and identify the style, motivators, and skills/talents of the individual. Executive Power’s certified coaches help our clients implement and develop the appropriate forward thinking solutions that truly drive peak performance through; Improved Selection, On-Boarding, Coaching & Mentoring, Performance Management, and Succession Planning.
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Resources Associate Corporation |
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People are a key resource to every organization, and the extent to which their knowledge, resourcefulness, and creativity are tapped directly translates into earning and profitability. Enhancing the capacity of employees, teams, and ultimately the entire organization to produce higher quality, customer-focused results is the goal of every successful business. A company’s investment needs to be as much in its people as it is in bricks, mortar and equipment. RAC’s focus is simple: to help people become better at what they have been trained to do, and to develop the leadership traits necessary to help the organization accomplish its goals and objectives. As a Senior Affiliate of RAC, Jerry Fons has coached over 2000 individuals to higher levels of leadership and performance, from Corporate Board Rooms to Front-Line Customer Facing Employees.
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The Arbinger Institute |
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Arbinger is a recognized as a world-leader in the study of Self-Deception and in improving organizational culture and conflict resolution. Arbinger’s clients range from individuals who are seeking help in their personal lives to many of the largest companies and governmental institutions around the world.After years of work, Arbinger’s research team discovered a social science solution no one expected. They discovered the clear and surprising way that people begin to evade responsibility without thinking that they are doing so, and therefore end up blaming others or circumstances they, themselves, are helping to create. More importantly, they discovered how this could be corrected.As a member of the Arbinger Coaching Network, Jerry Fons has coached hundreds of executives, managers, and non-profit leaders in the application of the Arbinger Principles. Helping individuals understand how they are causing much of their own frustration, anger and resistance, and what they can do to affect change has had significant impact in their relationships, and ultimately in their business success.
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Waukesha County Business Alliance |
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Waukesha County Business Alliance, a private, member-driven organization, has been the voice of business since its founding in 1918 as the Waukesha Association of Commerce. Its mission is to drive economic growth in Waukesha County by fostering a vibrant business community through four key pillars: Advocacy, Development, Networking and Promotion.
Jerry Fons is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Alliance, a long time Ambassador, as well as a member of the Education Committee. In addition, Jerry volunteers his time to help facilitate the Leadership Waukesha class as well as conducts the entire Advanced Leadership process provided by the Alliance to its membership. Dan Fons is currently the chairperson of the Alliance’s Young Professionals organization, is a member of the Ambassador Committee, and has been a well-received workshop presenter for various Alliance audiences.
More information about The Waukesha County Business Alliance |