- What’s a 3HAG?
- Most companies are fair at Planning, but they are terrible at Execution
- 3HAG is a Strategic Execution System designed to create clarity & confidence

- Can you take a 2-week vacation without worrying?
- Are you confident that your leadership skills are up to par?
- Are you seeing others step up the way you would like?

- Would you enthusiastically rehire every member of your team?
- Do you deal with a lot of drama amongst your team?
- Are you confident that your
company is good at hiring and retaining A-Players?

Accelerate Your Results with 3HAG!

Every company needs a 3HAG – a 3 Year Highly Achievable Goal!
The 3HAG WAY is a prescriptive framework that tales the guessing out of your strategy and ensures that you and your whole team see your path clearly for the next 3 years and are confident about achieving your goal.
3HAG Clients typically achieve 20-30% growth, 3X industry profitability, have more time to work on the right things, all with greater levels of engagement and enjoyment.
Your organization will be focused on key things that strategically differentiate you in your marketplace, you will have clarity of what needs to happen over the next 12 quarters, and your team will function as a well-oiled machine executing your plan for growth.
Business Acceleration Success Stories:
Adding the 3HAG process to the Rockefeller Habits we already employ has brought tremendous clarity to the traits that bring value to our customers. It will allow us to further differentiate from our competition, helps us maintain our focus, and direct our resources on innovative projects that will ultimately allow us to better serve our customers.Bruce Miller, CEO, National Insurance Services, Brookfield, WI
Recently I was interviewed by Small Business Times and they asked “What is the smartest thing that you’ve done in the past 12 months?” To paraphrase, I answered “Hiring Jerry to facilitate our strategic planning!”Tony Goff, CEO, Goff’s Enterprises, Pewaukee, WI

Wouldn’t it be great to have the right tools that can help you better understand your people, get your team engaged, and make more profit?

Our unique and pragmatic executive and management coaching processes will help you and your key players strengthen their leadership talent. Our research-based processes have been proven to help our clients implement long-term behavioral change.
The leadership of the organization determines how engaged your workforce is and we can help you create a much more engaged and focus organization.
- Executive Development
- Management Development
- Executive Team Development
- On-going Executive & Management Coaching
We’ll help you better understand your people, get your team to move in the same direction, and grow a more loyal customer base.
Executive Coaching Success Stories:
Jerry has helped with the Growth and Development of our Management Team and helped us work more Collaboratively and Strategically.Bruce Miller, CEO, National Insurance Services, Brookfield, WI
I hired Jerry to facilitate the creation of our strategic plan. The step by step “Building block” process that he used with our team really put us on the right track while creating focus with my senior management.Tony Goff, CEO, Goff’s Enterprises, Pewaukee, WI

What if you could have the best talent on your team and were using that talent in the right way to create synergy, have more fun working, and run a more profitable business?

Our customized strategic tools and processes will help you make sure you attract and hire the best talent in the right seats, performing at maximum capabilities. We’ll work with you to identify what your “A-Player” looks like. Additionally, we will help you implement effective hiring and promotion practices, and assess your current talent to determine their fit.
- Talent Assessment & Selection
- Talent Management
- Employee Development
We’ll help you make sure you have the best talent on your team and that you’re using that talent in the best way. With our help you’ll run a more profitable and enjoyable business!
Talent Management Success Stories:
Executive Power has been very instrumental in helping us select and hire key talent over the past several years. The ADVanced Insights Assessment gives us a clear insight into how the candidate will perform, both in the job, and within our culture.Wendy Bailer, Human Resources Manager, Primex Wireless, Lake Geneva, WI
Jerry is a knowledgeable professional with tools to help managers and supervisors reflect inward and grow. It has only been a short while, but the team has learned to manage their own behaviors for maximum results in all aspects of their lives.Chris Keto, Director of Human Resources, CL&D Graphics, Oconomowoc, WI
About Us

Jerry Fons
With 30+ years of experience in Executive Management and Executive Coaching, Jerry brings simple, practical, and actionable ideas to our clients. As a result, our clients work smoothly together as aligned teams, execute at a fast and rhythmic pace, and stay out of the weeds so many leaders tend to get caught in.

Dan Fons
Talent Management Specialist
As a Talent Management Specialist, Dan’s focus is on our clients’ most important asset – Their People. Whether it’s helping a manager understand their employees better, helping an employee with their own development, organizational team dynamics, or helping the organization select the right person to fill a role, Dan helps our clients raise the Talent Level in their organization.